In case you miss me
In Case You Miss Me is a collection of drawings and words by seniors and Elders who participate in Vancouver Parks Board's Arts & Health programs.
Unable to gather for the annual Arts & Health showcase and celebration, we gathered our experiences, dreams and reflections on the page instead, from intimate self-portraits to neighbourhood views to recipes for an imagined shared feast. Each contributor then received a copy.
This work unfolded in an ongoing residency through Vancouver Parks Board Arts & Health Program focused on engaging vulnerable seniors and Elders in the Downtown Eastside who are facing increased isolation in creative and collaborative practices.
Spring 2021.
Unable to gather for the annual Arts & Health showcase and celebration, we gathered our experiences, dreams and reflections on the page instead, from intimate self-portraits to neighbourhood views to recipes for an imagined shared feast. Each contributor then received a copy.
This work unfolded in an ongoing residency through Vancouver Parks Board Arts & Health Program focused on engaging vulnerable seniors and Elders in the Downtown Eastside who are facing increased isolation in creative and collaborative practices.
Spring 2021.